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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Putin and Obama Convene at Historic York Inn

YORK, Penn.— Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Barak Obama are scheduled to meet today at the Historic York Inn / Smyser Bair House to begin talks on stabilizing the world economy and strengthening relations between the nations of the world.

“When President Obama asked for this meeting, we were surprised he wanted to meet in York,” Putin said. “Later we found out he said New York. But we already had reservations at Historic York Inn and, after seeing the beautiful parlor, didn’t want to change plans.”

Obama agreed on the venue. “My predecessor may have chosen a more ‘Washington-elite’ meeting place, like somewhere in Washington. But look, I believe in change, so we’re meeting in York. That’s change you we can believe in.”

When Russian President Dimitry Medvedev advised Putin that the meeting was set on April Fool’s Day, the meeting was cancelled.

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